Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nadia Rig

The rigging set up for Nadia that I have for now. Will need to work on the arms and facial rigging. Currently working on the right side of the body. Even though the model can still use some tuning up, I suppose a complete rigged up version would be simply awesome. I can tweak in details for the model later on.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Nadia and Ainul

Nadia with clothes on.

Ainul with clothes on. I lost precious time because my initial image plane sketches were not drawn properly. That's what you get for cutting corners. I'm pretty pleased with the results so far.

Nadia Character

I modelled the mouth pocket of Nadia.

A lot of time was spent on the topology of the face.

Extracted out the hair for nadia.

Rigging is also in the process. I am using this model for my rigging assignment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ainul Character

Here's an update of Ainul character. May need to adjust the eyes, it seems to be bulging out a little too much. I will probably start on the ears and fine tuning the heads before extracting the hair

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nadia Character : Hands and Feet

The feet and hands of Nadia character done. Fine tunings will be needed. The hands looks a tad small for the character. The mouth area still has a lot of work to do.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ainul Character

I got started with the modelling of Ainul's character. Reusing Nadia's character and tweaking them a little for the body and limbs. The face still needs a lot of tweaking.

On Nadia's character, I've moved on to refine the lips. The mouth is bigger than originally designed but I'll try to work out on a good compromise.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Nadia Character

This is what I have so far for the modelling of Nadia character. One thing I've learnt from my school's studio project is that the imported image planes are there for a reason. The need to flow from pre-production to actual execution is very important.

Every aspect of the production is important to pull off a good result. I will post some of my pre-production sketches soon. I took the designing of the Nadia character longer than Ainul character.

It's awesome that I finally feel that the drawing lessons I took in school is actually producing results. It lets me push my designs. I took time to exaggerate my characters and from the lot, I picked the ones that fit into my story.

My slight concern for this model is whether the head is a tad to big to animate. The hands will not be able to touch the top of the head.